Brian Bednarek
Middle School Montessori Lead Teacher

Brian is the lead teacher of the MSOW Middle School program. He began teaching in 2002 and came to MSOW in 2011. Brian earned a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice administration and a Master of Education with Montessori emphasis from Loyola University in Maryland. He completed a six-week orientation course for Children’s House for ages 3-6, holds a Montessori Elementary Diploma from Montessori Institute of Milwaukee for ages 6-12 as well as Secondary I and II credentials from Cincinnati Montessori Secondary Teacher Education Program (CMStep) for ages 12-18. Since originally becoming a teacher, Brian helped grow an Upper Elementary program at a local Montessori school and then accepted a position at St. John's Military Academy where he ran the Learning Center, served as National Honor Society advisor, taught ACT prep classes, and administered the aviation program. Brian volunteers with the Ice Age Trail Alliance doing trail mowing and maintenance. In addition, he and his students conduct monthly citizen science stream monitoring in the school’s watershed. Brian enjoys photography, cycling, playing the ukulele, geocaching, and getting his students outdoors to experience nature. He leads the class ukulele club and is the school’s yearbook club advisor.

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