School District of Waukesha - 4K Program

  • Does Montessori School of Waukesha (MSOW) offer district sponsored 4K?

    A boy in a blue shirt is kneeling at a table with numbers on it

    The School District of Waukesha (SDW) has contracted with local schools and day-cares to provide 4K educational services. MSOW is one of those “Community Partners” for the district. Students are registered and enrolled as students in the district, but the education is provided at MSOW by MSOW faculty. The 4K students are placed in one of the five existing MSOW Children’s House classrooms; each multi-age classroom is comprised of students ranging in age from 2.5*/3-6 years old. Every classroom in the building is a multi-age classroom, so there is no separate “4K” classroom. As a result, no child is limited to a “4K” curriculum. Children will be introduced to new work as they master the pre-requisite skills, regardless of chronological age. *See Children’s House Program description

    Children's House
  • Does MSOW use the district curriculum?

    A woman is helping a little girl with her homework

    All students will be instructed within a Montessori environment utilizing the Montessori curriculum. Each Children’s House classroom has a Department of Public Instruction licensed teacher (as required by public school district) and a Montessori trained teacher (as required by MSOW Board and administration.) The Montessori curriculum at a minimum meets 4K state or district standards, but most often exceeds them. All of the sites provide a progress report at the end of each semester, but the activities and method of teaching will vary between sites.

  • How do I get my child registered for 4K?

    Starting in December each year, parents of 4 year-olds in the district database should receive information about 4K registration. If your 4-year-old is your oldest child, it is likely that you are not in the district database. Please visit the School District of Waukesha Website for information.  As a reminder, you must be prepared submit a birth certificate or passport for your child to verify date of birth, a copy of a parent driver’s license or ID and a copy of a utility bill or lease agreement to verify residence.

    SDW Website
  • What are the hours of the 4K program at MSOW?

    MSOW offers a morning 4K program. The morning program is from 8:15am to 11:45am.  Before & After care is available from 7 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. for a separate fee. The 4K program is four days per week, Monday through Thursday, with Fridays available for purchase. Bussing is not provided for 4K, so parents must provide transportation for the students.

  • What if we do not live in the School District of Waukesha?

    There are limited spaces at MSOW for open enrollment through the School District of Waukesha. Please see our Admissions Information Page for more info about this option, and contact our Student Services Manager with questions regarding the open enrollment process for MSOW. MSOW also enrolls private pay 4K students outside of the district program as part of our Children’s House Program. 

    Student Services Manager
  • What should I do if I want more information or to schedule a tour of MSOW?

    A sand dune in the desert with a blue sky in the background.

    Please email or call (262) 547-2545 to request more info or to arrange for a tour of the school.  

    Contact Us
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