Middle School Program Overview

Ages 12-14 (7th-8th grades)

As students move into middle school, they enter the what Maria Montessori describes as the “Third Plane of Development” (12-18 years old). Students in the MSOW Middle School Program for 12-14 year-olds (7th-8th grades) have very unique and identifiable developmental needs different from any other age group. In Montessori terms, the program’s purpose at this level is the “valorization of the student”. This is to say, our goal is to help middle school students develop and recognize their personal power. A microeconomy managed by the Middle School students is just one opportunity for applying their learning.


We provide safe opportunities for the students to use their power with and for the benefit of others. The design and content of the classroom are very different from classrooms for younger children. These students have moved from concrete materials in math and language, to abstract work with textbooks, computers and calculators.

The Middle School program for grades 7 and 8 builds upon the Montessori Elementary program. The rigorous academic program includes work in the social sciences, science, geography, language arts, second language and grammar, math, and service programs. Specialists continue with the instruction of Music, Art, Spanish, Computer Instruction, Physical Education and Wellness.

The students further develop skills necessary to be successful in competitive high school environments. Middle School students also practice a greater degree of self-reliance, autonomy and community building. They may demonstrate leadership capabilities while working with students in the Children’s House or Elementary programs. Occasionally, the program requires off-campus opportunities for learning, which may include overnight stays at additional cost.


Please contact us for more details about enrolling in our elementary program.

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